Taking the next leap forward through winning step-change business

Prosiliunt Consulting has the depth of experience and knowledge to help you grow by winning profitable step-change new business.
We work with your own organisation’s team providing support and leadership leaving a lasting legacy of success.

Our Services

Each engagement is different in terms of scope and role. However, these are the key services where Prosiliunt can add the greatest value.

Engagement & Oppertunity Identification

Working with you to identify key market influencers, and senior leaders and decision makers and determining the best strategy for ensuring they understand the value you and your organisation bring.

Prosiliunt has the experience and knowledge to ensure that senior decision makers and influencers understand the value you bring and ensure you are well placed for future opportunities.

Strategy and Qualification

Looking at strategic opportunities – are they right for you? Qualification is not just a go/no-go decision point. It is an early commitment to what it’s going to take to be successful and being up-front with some of the tough decisions that are likely to be needed.

With years of experience executing and winning strategic deal Prosiliunt can help you anticipate and prepare for what’s going to be needed and make sure the seeds of success are sown right from the outset.

Partnering for Success

Experience of our team working for large systems integrators and service shows the greatest success can be achieved by partnering with smaller, innovative players. Therefore as a small company how best can you partner with a larger player? It’s crucial to partner on the right terms and recognize that relative size does not equate to relative value.

We can help you identify the right partner or network of partners to strike the right balance between growth, control and risk

Bid Leadership

Bid teams that work well together, that are bought into the strategy and are confident in their proposal are more often than not successful. To achieve this requires experienced and deft leadership.

Prosiliunt can lead you bids or support your existing sale/bid leaders to achieve a high performing bid team that can deliver success.

Bid writing

Your solution is the best there is. Your people know their stuff better than anyone. You know it – but will the customer? More importantly are you addressing your customer’s needs and answering their questions. Despite being told from early at school to read the question properly all to often our brightest people often struggle to write succinctly, convincingly and positively.

Having taken a hands-on approach to proposal writing Prosiliunt can help you story-board, develop and write winning proposals.

Bid Reviewing

you’ve agreed your key messages, you’ve planned what each response should cover and thought carefully about what the customer is asking. The drafts are in. Do they cut it ? Have those key messages made their way to draft? Most crucially can a time pressured evaluator quickly and easily see you’ve covered their question ? The difference between a mediocre response and a high scoring response is often a thorough and critical review and improvement.

As part of your review team Prosiliunt can elevate your proposal from pedestrian to outstanding.

Pricing strategy

You’re at your final review before submission – here comes the killer question. Is this a winning price? All too often the response can be an awkward silence. Whilst there is no guaranteed science to get the winning price much can be done.

Using a combination of our experience, published data, insight as well as close examination of evaluation criteria Prosiliunt can help you get greater confidence that your price is a winning price.

Contract Development

Congratulations you’re the preferred supplier! The next challenge is now to capture what you promised in a concise contract that can be delivered safely. Your technical team see it as a contact for the lawyers – the lawyers don’t have a clue about what’s being offered – so who writes the contract document?

Prosiliunt can work with you, liaise with your legal teams to draft contract schedules which captures and offer, whilst ensuring both parties have clarity of what’s being delivered and the dependencies on each party. By reducing ambiguity we eliminate the potential for costly disputes.”